perm filename HAW.P1[AM,DBL] blob sn#275331 filedate 1977-04-09 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

00100	Here is my paper for the Rule-based Inference conference.  The format
00200	is close to -- but not absolutely identical to -- the one recommended
00300	in Waterman and Hayes-Roth's memo.
00500	To denote ITALICS, we use the notation &i[I am italicised!!].
00600	To denote underlining, we say &u[I'm underlined.].
00800	That  is,  ampersand, followed by "i" or "u", followed by the text in
00900	square brackets. Please  note  that  this  paper  appears  very  long
01000	because  it is in fixed-width font; the XGP version is of course much
01100	more compact.   The  name  of  this  file  is  HAW.DOC[c380dl22],  on
01200	CMU-10a.
01400	I  am in the  process of finalizing  the design of  the new discovery
01500	program (the successor to AM),  so any feedback which you have to the
01600	paper would be very welcome.
01900	  --  Doug Lenat